Taylor Swift threatens to sue college student for tracking her private plane

Movies & Celebrities 07/02/2024
K. Hernandez
Photo: Getty Images

Taylor Swift's lawyers threaten legal action against student tracking private jets.

Taylor Swift llega a la 66 entrega anual de los Grammy el domingo 4 de febrero de 2024 en Los Ángeles.
   Photo: AP.

Taylor Swift's legal team sent Jack Sweeney, a University of Florida student famous for tracking celebrities' private flights, a warning about his conduct. The artist will sue the young man if he continues with his actions.

Through a letter, the award-winning pop star's lawyer, Katie Morrone, of Venable LLP, questions Sweeney's conduct, and lets him know that his behavior amounts to harassment and harassment. "Including the systematic publication on social networks of accurate and real-time information about the location and future whereabouts of our client," reads the writing that the student shared with CNN.

Likewise, Morrone accuses Sweeney of ignoring public safety regulations in order to attract attention and achieve financial gain.

Likewise, the legal representative pointed out that his actions represent: "imminent threat to Swift's safety and well-being." She noted that the 34-year-old singer has dealt with stalkers since her teenage years, when she rose to fame; and by revealing such precise data about her journey, the interpreter has even been exposed to people who have sought her out with the aim of harming her.

She adds that sharing information about the artist's location on social networks is publishing: "a roadmap so (that these individuals can) carry out their plans."

The letter concludes by warning Jack Sweeney that if he does not stop publishing information about Tayloe Swift, the singer will pursue every legal remedy she finds at her disposal to make him stop.

Sweeney told CNN via email that he received the letter from Swift's lawyers after headlines from some nonprofit organizations and media outlets discussed the singer's carbon footprint.

Sweeney also told CNN that he never intended any harm by his actions, noting that he is gathering "public information."

"I actually think Swift has some good songs," Sweeney added. Still, he said, "I believe in transparency and public information." Sweeney also said that there is high public interest from Swift's fans in her accounts, saying that she must have "a decent expectation" that her jet will be tracked "whether [I] do it or not."

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